Wednesday 22 September 2010

Magazine Front Cover Analysis - Kerrang! Magazine

  • The name of the magazine is Kerrang! Magazine. I associate the name Kerrang! with a magazine, a TV channel, a radio station and an annual awards ceremony
  • The masthead for this magazine shows what bands are featured in the magazine that week
  • The colour scheme of the masthead flows with the colours on the rest of the cover, keeping the colours red, grey, white and black (colours associated with the Kerrang! name) running through the entire page
  • The masthead is a good size because it doesn't distract you from the main image
  • The main image on this cover is of the lead singer (Christina Scabbia) of the main featured band that week (Lacuna Coil)
  • The image takes up the entire page
  • The main image represents the main story in the magazine, as it shows the person as a powerful character which is relevant to the story (True Confessions Of A Metal Goddess)
  • There are two subsidiary images on the cover. They are sized well, by being big enough to show the meaning of the pictures but small enough to show they are not main stories. They are positioned well on the page, as they are working around the main image being sure not to obstruct it, but they take good placement on the left side of the page
  • The subsidiary images represent the stories they are covering
  • There are strap lines used on the cover to give the reader a brief insight into the contents of the magazine
  • The strap lines appeal to the target audience, by keeping a vibrant and consistent colour scheme
  • The language is entertaining and informal. For Example, ''The A-Z Of Green Day''
  •  The spelling and punctuation is accurate throughout the cover
  • There are several different fonts on the cover, keeping the reader interested and attracted to the magazine
  • The font is clear and appropriate to the magazine, keeping a sharp yet clear text throughout
  • The colour scheme is constant and relevant to the magazine  
Frank Iero - My Chemical Romance
A True Music Icon