Sunday 21 November 2010

Mission Statement for 'Tikit'

Tikit  is a magazine you will not have seen anywhere else! It captures music in its prime. Live. Raw. Real. The music is brought to YOU, in a way nobody has ever tried before, making this the only music magazine you will ever need to buy. 

Tikit  is aimed at the 'Gig-Goer'. At the fun and fiery age of 16-25, this magazine is tailored to the needs of the active music enthusiast. It combines real, unedited, powerful images of the best live bands with humorous, honest text to create a publication which is to the point with no corners cut!

Tikit is there to make sure the reader gets the best of live music, whether your a dedicated 'Gig-Goer' or new to the gig scene. 

Tikit is there to give you the facts, not to bore you with irrelevant issues!

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