Tuesday 12 October 2010

Market Research Questionnaire Analysis

For my market research questionnaire, I asked 10 people from years 7 to 13 their preferences on a school magazine.
Through this questionnaire, I found that the most popular types of magazines already found on the market include fashion, gossip, music, games and sports.
The most popular masthead that was chosen by the participants was ‘’7/13’’ with 3 votes which represents the years active in King Henry school. Close behind was the masthead ‘’What You Need to Know’’ with 2 votes, which shows the magazine is informative.
I asked participants to choose their favourite slogan from a possible list of 5. Participants chose the slogan ‘’What You Need, When You Need It!’’ as the best slogan with 5 votes, closely followed by ‘’The Voice of Henry VIII!’’ with 3 votes.
All of the participants said that they would happily pay between 50p and £1 for a King Henry school magazine.
I also discovered from the questionnaire which topics KHS would like to hear about in their school magazine. The most popular topics include: News from all years of the school, Food in the canteen, School clubs and activities, School trips, and Building work on the school.
According to the results of my questionnaire, the colours most associated with KHS are Navy, Black and Gold. This shows how the colours of the uniform influence the students’ view on the school. 
The last question on my questionnaire was asking students what image they would like to see on the cover of a school magazine. The results show people would like to see a successful school band or sports team on the cover of the magazine. The second most popular result was the image of an individual teacher on the cover
I think my results have helped me to create my magazine cover much more efficiently.
The Original Magazine Cover

My Interpretation Of Kerrang! Magazine

Wednesday 6 October 2010

My School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire

School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire
Lauren Williams 12RSG

1.What year are you in?
• Year 7
• Year 8
• Year 9
• Year 10
• Year 11
• Year 12
• Year 13

2. How old are you?
• 11 – 13
• 14 – 16
• 17 – 19

3. What gender are you?
• Male
• Female

4. Which kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading? (Choose up to 3)
• Gossip
• Film
• Music
• Fashion
• Games
• Sport
• Car
• Other (please state) ___________________

5. Which of these mastheads would you say suits KHS best?
• The News of King Henry
• 7/13
• KHS News Warp
• What You Need To Know
• The Best Of Eight
• Other (please state) _____________________

6. Which slogan would you prefer to see on the magazine?
• The Voice of Henry VIII!
• The Inside on KHS!
• King Henry in All His Glory!
• What You Need, When You Need It!
• Other (please state) __________________

7. How much would you pay for a KHS school magazine?
• 50p - £1
• £1.50 – £2
• £2.50 - £3
• Over £3

8. Which of the following topics would you like to hear about in a school magazine? (Please choose 5)
• Just sixth form
• Just Years 7 – 11
• All years
• Exams and figures
• School clubs and activities
• Food in the canteen
• Teachers
• School trips
• Uniform
• Homework
• Building work on the school
• Options for GCSE / A Level

9. What colours do you associate with KHS?
• Navy
• Yellow
• Black
• White
• Green
• Red
• Other (please state) ____________________

10. What image would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine?
• Students years 7 – 11
• Students years 12 & 13
• School band
• School club
• School sports team
• Teacher (individual)
• Teachers (group)
• School building
• Other (please state) ________________