Wednesday 6 October 2010

My School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire

School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire
Lauren Williams 12RSG

1.What year are you in?
• Year 7
• Year 8
• Year 9
• Year 10
• Year 11
• Year 12
• Year 13

2. How old are you?
• 11 – 13
• 14 – 16
• 17 – 19

3. What gender are you?
• Male
• Female

4. Which kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading? (Choose up to 3)
• Gossip
• Film
• Music
• Fashion
• Games
• Sport
• Car
• Other (please state) ___________________

5. Which of these mastheads would you say suits KHS best?
• The News of King Henry
• 7/13
• KHS News Warp
• What You Need To Know
• The Best Of Eight
• Other (please state) _____________________

6. Which slogan would you prefer to see on the magazine?
• The Voice of Henry VIII!
• The Inside on KHS!
• King Henry in All His Glory!
• What You Need, When You Need It!
• Other (please state) __________________

7. How much would you pay for a KHS school magazine?
• 50p - £1
• £1.50 – £2
• £2.50 - £3
• Over £3

8. Which of the following topics would you like to hear about in a school magazine? (Please choose 5)
• Just sixth form
• Just Years 7 – 11
• All years
• Exams and figures
• School clubs and activities
• Food in the canteen
• Teachers
• School trips
• Uniform
• Homework
• Building work on the school
• Options for GCSE / A Level

9. What colours do you associate with KHS?
• Navy
• Yellow
• Black
• White
• Green
• Red
• Other (please state) ____________________

10. What image would you want to see on the cover of a school magazine?
• Students years 7 – 11
• Students years 12 & 13
• School band
• School club
• School sports team
• Teacher (individual)
• Teachers (group)
• School building
• Other (please state) ________________

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you have managed to post your questionnaire by 07/10/10.Your copies will be ready for distribution on 11/11/10.
