Monday 2 May 2011

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my audience profile, I said i aimed to reach people who like attending gigs and concerts, and get excited about local music, whilst embracing legendary creations. I feel I have reached these people in my images, text, layout and colour scheme.
Though the main image of my cover is all male, I used subsidary images including females to make it appeal to both genders. 
the colour scheme is prodominantly red, white and black, which i feel appeals to everybody who enjoys live and local music. 

My article is very personal, and I thought that the reader could easily read and relate to it, even though they were not there. I tried to generalise experiences and interests to appeal to my target audience, such as going to gigs. My masthead 'TIKIT' is meant to reach anybody who goes to live events, which is the group of people i am mostly trying to attract.


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