Monday 2 May 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the creation process, I was able to experiment with some technologies which i have never used before. 
To take my images, I used my personal digital camera, which I am very familiar with. 
I then used Photoshop Elements 8 to manipulate my images. I had this programme on my personal laptop so I had the chance to really find out what it could do which helped me alot.
I then used Adobe InDesign to create my actual pages. The huge variety of elements avaliable was very educational for me, as i got to do things I was unable to do on any other programme.
Paintshop Pro allowed me to manipulate my images such as removing and replacing backgrounds, changing colours and much more.
I have learned alot about magazine production and how much technology is needed to produce a page

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