Monday 2 May 2011

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

For my magazine planning, attracting my audience was mostly research based. My reader profile is very similar to myself, so I used that as a base. I looked through tons of different types of music magazines to see which ones drew me in and made me want to read it. I found that bands on covers attracted me alot, so I used that on my cover. The colour red also came up alot, and was common in the better magazines which I would want to take elements from. 
On my double page spread, i kept the red theme going, and took the 'personal experience' route. The articles that affected me most were ones I could relate to as a music fan, and I wanted to create that sense of empathy with my audience. It almost creates a relationship between the magazine and the reader, or even between readers and other readers.
My contents page had to be busy. I found that bland contents pages were very ineffective and I tended to overlook them easily. I wanted to make it busy but clear, and I think I did that. A neat page anywhere in my magazine really would not have expressed the personality of the readers I was trying to reach.

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